My Portfolio

These are all the projects I have made or had an addition to in my 1,5 years of game development.

The Ice Hiker

This project is currently still in development, we are working on it with a team of 4 people. In the beginning all 4 of us made a prototype and the one we liked the most is the one we are developing to a game. For this project we are using C# in unity and I have used the UIToolkit for menu’s. My addition to this game is breakable ice and the main menu made.

Space Evader

This is a 3D Flappy bird clone. This project I have made all on my own. This was the first time I have ever worked with Unity. I have used the models from the unity asset store, so they are not my own models.


This is a space invaders clone made in p5.js with the language JavaScript. This was my first time ever making a game. I made this game all on my own. I custom made every sprite and animation.

Get in Touch

I would like to hear from you if you have any feedback and / or any offers for me
